Category: News

Chambers’ guide on European law firms ranked our office among the best in Technology (TMT) and Employment for the 13th time, and in M&A for the 11th year in a row.
Our data protection expert, Endre Várady, wrote the Hungarian chapter of Chambers Data Protection & Privacy guide. It contains everything you need to know about ...
We learned about legal challenges that employment law and HR holds this year On top of addressing general questions, our employment law expert delved into intriguing topics ...

This year started well for us, as Attila Menyhárd joined the VJT team. Attila is a true renaissance man: he creates law as a legislator, teaches law as an educator, and cultivates law as a lawyer, and thus sees through

Fasten your seat belt before viewing. Happy New Year to everyone!  

OneTrust, the famous US compliance software company, asked our firm to prepare the ‘Employment Note’ - the Hungarian chapter about employee data protection.

Thomson Reuters asked our firm to prepare the Hungarian chapter of their international Practical Law Global publication about data localisation. Our colleague, Endre Varady, answered the questions in the report which revealed interesting facts about the Hungarian territorial restrictions on

The CEE Legal HUB BootCamp is an annual, 2-day event for the law firm network that advises Google in the CEE region. Our team was represented by our partners, János Tamás Varga and Endre Varady. Based on their feedback, it

After years of awards and successes, our data protection team has now had the honour of contributing to the Data Protection and Privacy chapter of the prestigious Lexology publication, Getting the Deal Through 2022.
This is a great recognition for our firm's compliance team, as TRACE, the global leader in anti-bribery compliance solutions, only partners with firms that have exceptional experience and knowledge ...