Fighting corruption is one inescapable issue of our time. Anti corruption is already an integral part of the internal processes of a successful company: it ensures that the company’s reputation is preserved and that business losses and regulatory measures are avoided.
Corruption risks in business processes should be regularly reviewed. Institutions should be put in place, for example through appropriate remuneration and conflict of interest rules. Regular training is also essential.
A well-functioning internal whistleblowing channel should be established, and employees should be encouraged to report attempted or suspected corruption through it. An appropriate procedure for conducting internal investigations should be created.
Where are the weaknesses in the company’s operations, and how we can spot them? What to do when you identified the weaknesses? How can we change the way the company operates and its internal management structures? How to investigate complaints and what actions should be taken?
In the first phase of our work, our aim is to get as familiar with your business operations as possible, and with this knowledge acquired, we will help you to prepare your company with the best and most appropriate solutions for the challenges of anti-corruption governance systems.
As a next step, we will design and support anti-corruption programs. We will design and create the procedures and prepare the full documentation. We provide training and help for setting up whistleblowing systems and investigate individual whistleblower cases.
Our office is fortunate to work for many years with the TRACE network, the global coordinator of anti-corruption compliance solutions, . By exchanging experience and best practices from around the world, we have not only gained exceptional knowledge, but are also in the position to help our clients to implement and operate cross-border and group-wide anti-corruption solutions through a strong network of professional contacts.
“Both prevention, detection and rapid response are key elements of an effective fight against corruption.”
The firm brings together the highest degree of professionalism, the efficient delivery of legal services with dynamism, flexibility, responsiveness and personal attention.