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„Undeniably competent, elegant and polished” said CEE Legal Matters in its review on VJT & Partners’ website.

CEE LegalVJT & Partners is pleased to announce that its website has been recognised as the Best Hungarian Legal website by the independent legal publication, CEE Legal Matters in its June 2014 edition.

CEE Legal Matters provides Top Sites review in every edition and the award goes to the best website of a law firm of the reviewed country. In its June edition CEE Legal Matters reviewed Russian and Hungarian sites of law firms providing outstanding legal services to their clients, but besides the perfection of legal products the winner firms should be able to “demonstrate that there’s more than one way for a law firm to effectively communicate its mission and capabilities online”.

The article indicates that VJT & Partners’ website is “restrained and sober” and moreover, it is “undeniably competent, elegant and polished”.

The publicist of CEE Legal Matters also welcomes the manner of using photos on our website as opposed to many other legal websites who take photos of their day to day operation, as they negotiate with clients or hang on the phone, and then upload these to their website VJT & Partners “provides whimsical photos of penguins, a feather, and other metaphors of the firm’s focus and capabilities” and also “a focused and easily negotiable recitation of the firm’s capabilities and the profiles and competencies of its lawyers, along with the requisite thought leadership articles”.

The review published by CEE Legal Matters strengthens our confidence that in today’s world it is not enough to deliver excellent work products to our clients, but the appearance of our work and our website should also be of a high standard and perfectly designed. It is also recognised that the presentation of our values and our professionals’ capabilities is an essential part of our website, so as the legal news and publications section which is transparent, clear, practical, and useful and it has an added value.

János Tamás Varga, Managing Partner of VJT & Partners says: “This award is a great honour for us. It recognises our efforts to express our values in every tiny detail. We are not satisfied until every sentence, every image, every colour and the layout of the website are in accordance with our values. This is the very simple way in which we made our website and how we work in our day to day legal practice.”

The full article of CEE Legal can be read here.

