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The Lawyer Interviewed János Tamás Varga about Hungarian Legislation and M&A

The LawyerVJT & Partners’ Managing Partner János Tamás Varga is interviewed in the latest issue of The Lawyer, one of the leading international weekly legal publications, published in the UK by Centaur.

The article, titled ‘Hungary: autoboost’, analyses Hungary’s current situation, especially in relation to legislation and investment trends. Reporter Jonathan Ames heads up his article ‘The government’s appetite for legislation is proving a headache for lawyers but a new civil code and an accelerating automotive industry are a great pick-me-up’.

As an internationally recognised leading M&A lawyer, János Tamás Varga is extensively quoted in relation to legislation and Hungarian M&A trends. He concludes that the special economic tools used by the Hungarian government over the last few years have resulted in many foreign investors staying away from Hungary; and that many foreign investors have wound up their Hungarian operations.

However, he claims that in recent months, investors’ appetite for Hungarian companies has, in general, been growing thanks in part to the improvement in global and European economies and also owing to the changing attitudes of foreign investors who appear to have adapted to the legislative tendencies of the Hungarian government. VJT & Partners has acted on a number of deals in recent months, which underpin this.

Dr. Varga also spoke about the new Civil Code coming into force, which, by removing many restrictive rules, leaves much more room for flexibility and bespoke solutions when establishing and operating a company in Hungary. In his view it remains a big question as to whether the courts will fully adapt to this paradigm shift and actually allow companies to fully take advantage of the opportunities provided in theory by the new civil code.

“There is a general interest on the part of foreign investors to buy Hungarian companies after years of silence,” János Tamás Varga says.

The full article can be read here.

