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We are highly greatful to our clients for their appreciation

Chambers Europe 2019

This year’s Chambers Europe publication has ranked law firms again. In order to set the ranking, the staff at Chambers Europe asked our colleagues about professional issues and quizzed our clients about our work. Thank you for your appreciation!

„They are always available, reply promptly, and come up with great suggestions,” says one of our clients to whom we provided legal advice on M&A. – Lawyers blessed with business sense.” The publication highlights András Lovretity, who is very precise in legal documentation and also a strong strategist. János Tamás Varga is also praised for his tactical thinking as well as for his overall mind: „He has an eye for high-level planned business considerations and for detail at the same time.”

In the field of EMPLOYMENT, of course, the publication highlights Zoltán Csernus, the leader of the team, who has been praised by clients both for his professional skill and ability to connect on a human level: „precise, thorough, reliable and possesses up-to-date legal knowledge” and also „works in a timely manner, even with short deadlines.”

The publication highlights the experience and high-quality work of our staff in the field of TECHNOLOGY. The team is extremely reliable and takes deadlines seriously, was described by one of our clients as: “They held our hands and guided us through the whole process.”
The team also participated in the development of a GDPR compliance software.
About Endre Várady, our young colleague, our clients stated that he “is very helpful and comes back with good and conclusive counsel”. Another source states: “If we had tough and direct questions, he gave answers and worked out the process.” However, in the field of enthusiastic opinions, our office manager partner János Tamás Varga finished in front , as he received effusive praise from clients, one of whom highlights that “he has a good understanding of the business environment.” Another source notes: “He understands the Hungarian legal market and is extremely approachable.”

