We work for companies aiming at growing and expanding, that want to enter the market in the Hungarian and Central European region by acquiring companies. We have extensive experience in bringing together and managing the work of multi-country teams of attorneys. Our clients are foreign companies, multinational companies, Hungarian listed companies, private equity funds and Hungarian private investors.
Our clients are medium- and large-sized Hungarian companies, which generally attract foreign buyers. Whether it is a full or partial sale of a company, our team has already conducted numerous transactions. In other words, we know all the ins and outs of these types of transactions.
During an acquisition or a merger process we almost need to breathe together with the client. We have to pay close attention to their intentions, we must know their strengths and weaknesses, and as a result we will know exactly when and how we can help them.
Our clients are businessmen, so we have to become businessmen as well when we manage the legal part of the transactions.
Most of our cases go beyond borders, so we have learned how to work with foreign law firms and how to manage the work of a team of international lawyers.
“Perhaps the most important rule in this area is that we must be able to think with the head of the client.”
Doing Business in Hungary 2023 is a practical handbook for those thinking about Hungary from a business point of view. The approach running through the guide makes it an essential resource for those considering establishing – and those already operating – a business entity in Hungary.
Érdemes-e belevágni a cégünk eladásába? Adódhat olyan helyzet, ahol a versenyben maradás csak részleges vagy teljes tulajdonosváltással oldható meg, de az is lehet, hogy a fiatalabb generáció már nem akarja továbbvinni az üzletet, az idősebb pedig már visszavonulásra gondol. De lehet, hogy valaki az élet más területén akar újat alkotni. És jön a kérdés: akkor most eladjam a cégem? Ezt a kiadványt nekik készítettük.
Sok cég életében eljön a pillanat, hogy a magyar piac szűkösnek bizonyul, és a cég érdeklődése külföld felé fordul. A külföldi terjeszkedés egy nagy ugrás az ismeretlenbe. Füzetünk egy izgalmas tranzakció bemutatásán keresztül teszi ismerőssé ezt a sokaknak még ismeretlen területet. Túravezetőnk a külföldi tranzakciók világába Dr. Lovretity András.
The firm brings together the highest degree of professionalism, the efficient delivery of legal services with dynamism, flexibility, responsiveness and personal attention.